Songs of the week: 1
Tue, 23 Jul 2024, 06:22:00 PM

In an attempt to bolster some severe writers block, I’m going to post individual songs I have been enjoying instead of sitting down to listen through albums which takes a helluva long time.
Hard to Read - Day Wave
Ethereal, floaty vocals characterise this song. Feels like every song is about love if you overanalyse enough but I truly love this song and the seemingly raw desperation carried across in the lyrics, performed brilliantly by Jackson Phillips.
I think the hardest part of talking about a song is always translating how the song makes you feel into words. I’d like to say this song transports me to the beautiful summer we had in 2021 and reminds me of optimism in the face of everything that goes on. I’m sure all of us had a year like that where things fall into place, at least briefly, and if not it’s coming !!
Sucette - Sugar Candy Mountain
Released as a single after the success of their album 666, Sucette is a beautiful psychadelic song. Makes me want a cocktail that I drink out of a coconut and some sort of idyllic landscape to enjoy it in front of me.
Simply, it makes me happy to listen regardless of the situation and I think for that reason alone, it should be listened to.
2+2=4 - Turkey
A really interesting project that I came across. People say it’s inspired by The Garden, and call it “vada vada”, a term coined by them. Elements of 90’s ukg and dnb are identifiable, and it also makes good use of sampling, in a way that is also very similar to The Garden.
I think it’s very unique. It has a lot of elements that I like and kind of bridges a lot of gaps between genres, modern and old.